How to Be More Creative


I think we have all experienced this at one time or the other. It seems like our creative juices and motivation to create simply quit flowing. We have seven exercises to share with you to kick-start your creativity and get you back in the swing of things again. Follow along as we introduce these exercises designed to teach you how to be more creative.

How to Be More Creative

1. Keep an inspiration journal. As you come across inspiring quotes, colors, fabric swatches, project ideas and other items that inspire you on a daily basis, keep these handy in a journal. I know people that say their most creative time is while showering. If this sounds like you, keep a journal nearby to help you capture those creative moments. Then, when its time to make choices deciding on colors, etc., you can use your inspiration journal to help you.

journal covers

2. Use your favorite quotation. If you had to put images, colors and patterns to your favorite quotation, what would it look like. Most of us have lots of quotes that conjure up emotional feelings that we can use to our creative advantage. Try this exercise. Use a black pen or marker to jot down your favorite quote in the center of a page. Then, take colored pencils and draw designs around your quote.

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”  
―     Margaret Atwood,     Bluebeard’s Egg    

3. Listen To Music. What is your favorite music to create to? What gets your juices flowing? Try listening to it while sewing, quilting and creating. Change it up by listening to a completely different genre. If you normally listen to classical, try an ethic genre such as salsa to see what happens.

memphis ribbons and blues

Memphis Ribbon and Blues Quilt Pattern

4. Share ideas with a Friend. Invite a creative friend or even a group of friends over for a brainstorming session. Provide light refreshments and soothing music. Ask friends to bring fabrics to swap and even supplies they are not currently using. Write some topics for brainstorming on small pieces of paper. Tear them up and drop them in a jar. Sample topics might be “unconventional ways to bind a quilt” or “unusual color combinations to use on a quilt.”

quiet moment between friends

A Quiet Moment Between Friends

5. Take time to Meditate. A simple act, such as taking a walk, can go a long way towards kick-starting your creativity. Engaging in distracting behavior and meditation can help us approach projects with a renewed sense of energy and creativity.

6. Doodle. Doodling is a simple process that is so effective because there are no rules. Use black markers and colored pencils to create unique designs. Letting your mind run free may be the key in unlocking creativity.

7. Exercise.  Physical exercise moves important chemicals to the brain that jump-start your creative and analytical thinking.  I am a morning person so exercise in the morning gets me revved up for the whole day.  It’s my coffee substitute!

When you are stuck in a creative rut, how do you overcome it? We would love to hear ideas on how to be more creative.


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2 Responses to How to Be More Creative

  1. Margo says:

    Very good suggestions, thank you. When I get metal block, I go into my garden. I have vegetable beds that I work on everyday.

  2. Great tips. I will add them to my list!

    My favorite (which was not on the list) is to clean up & put stuff away in my sewing room. I always find something I’d forgotten that gets the juices flowing again! AND, I have a nice clean space to get working!

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