QuiltWoman Recommended Reading
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Amish Pattern and Design Books:
Galleries and History of Amish Quilts:
The Amish Quilt Eve Wheatcroft Granick 1994
#1: I have this book. It has wonderful pictures and an excellent
history of Amish Quilting. It explains the differences between Amish
quilts from various parts of the country.
A Quiet Spirit : Amish Quilts from the Collection of Cindy Tietze and Stuart Hodosh, Donald B. Kraybill, et al 1996
#1: This book is the catalog for the 1996 Exhibit at the UCLA
Fowler Museum. The photographs are extensive and the text is full of
information on the Amish. Included are many photographs of the Amish as
Amish Style : Clothing, Home Furnishing, Toys, Dolls, and Quilts Kathleen McLary, David Pottinger (Designer) 1993
The Classic American Quilt Collection Amish Karen Bolesta(Editor), Karen Boleska 1996
Quilts Among the Plain People Rachel T. Pellman, Joanne Ranck 1985
A Treasury of Amish Quilts Rachel Pellman, Kenneth Pellman 1990
#1: Review: This book is 128 pages and nearly every one is filled with
pictures of Amish quilts. There is not too much text but the pictures
are wonderful.
The World of Amish Quilts Rachel Pellman, Kenneth Pellman 1998
#1: Review: I have the 1984 edition of this book. Many, many excellent
pictures with a short introduction to the Amish. If the 1998 book is as
good as this, it is worth having. This book by the Pellmans has more
text than their Treasury of Amish Quilts.
Amish : The Art of the Quilt Robert Hughes, Julie Silber 1993
Amish Kinder Komforts : Quilts from the Sara Miller Collection Bettina Havig 1996
Amish Quilts Karen Bolesta(Editor) 1997
The Quilter's Guide to Amish Quilts Jan Jefferson, Maggi McCormick Gordon 1998
Tiny Amish Traditions Sylvia Trygg Voudrie 1994
Other Amish Quilting Items: