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Annie's Gift Bag Sizes

You can make the gift bags any size you like. In general cut the rectangles taller than wide (4 or 5 inches difference is good)

Some ideas:

Small - Cut 6" x 10" rectangles. Cut out bottom squares about 1 1/4" x 1 1/4".

Medium -Cut 10" x 14" rectangles. Cut out bottom squares about 2" x 2".

Large -Cut 14" x 20" rectangles. Cut out bottom squares about 2 1/2" x 2 1/2"

Wine Bottles - 7" x 16". Cut out bottom squares about 1 1/4" x 1 1/4"

Compact Disk Bag - 8" x 12". Cut out bottom squares about 1" x 1"

Design Ideas:

Fabric Choices-

1.You can use printed holiday fabric or fabric which seems appropriate for the recipient or occasion.

2. Choose a plain or simple background fabric and embellish it.

Embellishing ideas-

1. Use a plain fabric and cut out a panel or section of specialty fabric. Attach specialty fabric to background fabric with wonder under. You can leave it at this or use a machine embroidery stitch to finish the edges. Or use liquid decorative sealer on the edge. Or you could applique decorative fabrics on top of the backgound.

2. Use photo transfer material or have a photo transfers made at a local copy store to create custom fabric with a favorite photograph or drawing.

3. Sew stuff on the bag, use buttons, trims, whatever you like.

4. Sew bells on the ends of the cords.

5. Use your imagination to create something special for your recipient.

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